Broadwater Rod and Gun Club
Indian Creek Range - Update 2021
All. This spring was unusually dry and the fire danger is very high. At this point, we are keeping the Indian Creek range open but only to 100 yard and pistol bay use. Shooting any targets (steel or otherwise) beyond the 100 yard berm is prohibited. We are putting out a couple wildland water packs at some of the benches. If you see anything that appears to be a fire, call 911 FIRST! Second, go to the gate and unlock it (leave the gate open and unlocked, we will lock it well afterwards). If you're capable of controlling the area of concern with the water packs, please do so. Please do not put yourself or anyone with you in danger. None of the property or facilities are worth ANY injuries to our members.
Sporting clays events will run at the discretion of our Sporting Clays director, Ed Martin. He will update the calendar online with any last minute changes, so check the website for info. Currently they are still scheduled on Wednesdays and Sundays.
Do not shoot steel, rocks, berms, or any non-authorized target at the range (100 yard paper shooting is ok for now). Only shoot paper targets at the 100 yard line. We will update this as the fire season continues. If the NF or county implement Stage II fire restrictions, we will be forced to shut down the Indian Creek range. Please plan on this being a concern or issue in the future as warm temps and no foreseeable wet weather is in the forecast.
Don't forget to not park on tall grass if out recreating on our National Forests or State Lands as a hot exhaust will start a fire.
Thanks for your understanding this season.